Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MARCH 2ND 2011 - 2:18 AM

The bus is going to be here at 3:45, which means there is going to be here in approximately 87 minutes. My stomach is hurting, I feel sick, I feel numb. I dont want to leave. I dont want to go home. I am going to miss my friends so much. The memories I have made with them I will never make with another group of people again. 

Im sitting on my bed and when I talk I can hear my room echo. It is EMPTY. All my cards and pictures are off the wall, there are no sheets or blankets on my bed, no clothes in my drawers and Im sitting in here by myself and I can here my family downstairs laughing. Isaac just serenaded us for the last time. We laughed because Kyra was being HILARIOUS! Now I can hear Marc-Andre and Ryan fighting eachother like they do on a regular basis. Im going to miss this noise when I am home. Its going to be so quiet. Its going to be scary when I go to sleep at night because I won't have my Russian Sister and Kyra in my room with me to talk to until I fall asleep. The thought is making me so sad. I cried two times today and I'm so scared for when we are at the airport and half of my friends leave the bus to get their flights home. I am not going to see them for a long time. Katimavik should offer separation counseling after this is done, it is so hard to say goodbye to people that you have lived with for 6 months. Seeing them everyday. Never being able to get away from them. I dont know how many more times I can say it but I love my friends so much.

Its now 2:26 am and the bus will be here in 1hour and 14 minutes. I dont know what else to say.

Thank you for whoever has read this, it makes me so happy.

Never say goodbye,because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.

Massage train

Me with my cake when Sarah (Russia) and I went out for coffee <3

RUSSIAN SISTERS at my work volunteering. I LOVE YOU <3