Thursday, December 30, 2010

Out with the old in with the NEW!

Merry Belated Christmas! 
I know I haven't written since last week and everytime I talk to my aunts they are always saying how they are waiting for a new blog post so here it is :) I hope you had a great Christmas. Mine was surely interesting to say the least.. 
30 people in one house, being stressed to the MAX with jazzy jazz crap. Let me start from the beginning.
Friday December 24th: We had alot of cooking and baking and cleaning to do parce-que we were going to Levis' house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and coming home on boxing day. So I was in charge of making biscuits for like snack or something, I don't know why I wanted to make biscuits I just thought it would be cute. So I made them and they turned out pretty cute and totes delish! Please note the Christmas and Snowmen cheese biscuits to your right! :)

I was house managing that week and was rather stressed out so I put alot of love into these cute little things.
Ryan and Zoe made gingerbread cookies that I didnt get to try because everyone ate them. They must have been great!
Note cute gingerbread cookies to your left.
Everyone had different jobs to do and my house managing partner only had one thing to do which was put the leftovers in containers and put them in the freezer so we could take them with us to Levis. We all got ready and finished cleaning and left the house at 2pm. Myself, Sarah, Katelyn, Ryan, Brandon, Zoe, Marc-Andre and Isaac took the bus to the ferry over to Levis, while Kyra, Evelyne and Jared went in the van with Rachel our PC. 
We got to Levis and had to eat a little dinner because we were going to this mass and were going to eat dinner there but it wasnt going to be for like 5 hours. I went to look for the food that my house manager partner was supposed to packed so we could eat and guess what! YEP! It was left at home in the freezer where they left it. CUTE HUH!? At this point my blood was boiling and going to hurt someone. Alice the Project Leader in Levis gave us food to eat and while I was putting the meat pies on a tray to put in the over this certain someone said some people have to learn to lighten up. DO NOT say that to me when I am mad at you! I ended up telling him to get away from me because I didnt want to see his face and a few other nice things in from of a crowd of people :) very lady like I know! We ate our little dinner and got bundled up to go to the mass.
After the mass we played some games with people from the community and the 3 katimavik groups. After the dinner we went back to the Levis house and we all just hung around and didn't do much. I went to sleep at about 1 am and woke up at 10:30am Christmas morning. 

Saturday December 25th: I woke up and called my mom and dad and family. How I missed them on Christmas. We didn't do much at all. For most of the afternoon Sarah, myself, Kyra and Katelyn were in the room where Kyra and I were sleeping and just laying on her mattress that was on the floor. We ate chips and drank pop and laughed about stuff. That night we had a dinner that was kind of like a potluck but the Beauport group and my group both brought dessert, this just added to my stress because I was already upset that we weren't organized about the night before. I made carrot salad with celery and some other jazzy jazz and it turned out pretty good. I had a small breakdown after I finished doing the salad because I was quite upset with my house managing partner once again. I went to the living room where Sarah and Katelyn were and just started crying. While other people were laughing around me I was crying. It was a bit embarassing but whatevs. We ate 
dinner as a huge katimafamily.

What we ate for Christmas dinner.

After dinner a bunch of us decided to go down to the St.Lawrence and have a grand old time! We had a little dance party and it was a great time. After that we went home and me and my friend Zack from the Beauport group laughed for hours. At about 2:30am I went to sleep and was woken up the next morning by Kyra telling me that Isaac wanted to leave in 10 minutes. I got up and cleaned up my sleeping area then got the stuff that we could carry with us onto the ferry and started our trek home. Isaac, Jared, Ryan and Marc-Andre, Evelyne and Zoe left early so it was only Me, Sarah, Kyra, Katelyn, and Brandon who got the later ferry. When we got home I went to get stuff for dinner at the store and some people went to the mall. Boxing Day was a pretty relaxed day.

Monday December 27th: On Monday we went to Quebecadabra with the Levis group and the Beauport group. Quebecadabra is a look at the past present and future of Christmas in Quebec. We only really found the future and it was kind of creepy. I didn't get any pictures because I didn't bring my camera on this day. I do have a picture of the katimafamily though in Old Quebec.

Anyways. Monday night me, Ryan, Marc-Andre and Zoe went to a cafe with Zack, Elyanne and Veronique from Beauport, it was nice :).

On Tuesday we went to watch a Quebecois movie called L'Appat and in the night people from my group and Zack and Veronique went out to Old Quebec and had a fun time :)

Yesterday we went sliding at Stephane's friends Chalet and I felt like a crash test dummy. I would fall off my crazy carpet and just roll down the hill until I hit a tree. It was pretty intense! Then again last night, Ryan and I met up with Zack and Elyanne from Beauport and we went to a cafe again. I went out 3 nights this week that is the most I went out in the last four months in one week!
Tonight I am staying in and resting before New Years because it is going to be FUN! All 3 groups are going to be together again and we are going to have a huge party!

I hope you liked reading this small novel that I have written. I think I am all caught up on what has been happening.
Have a wonderful New Year and be safe!


you're smarter than you think, and braver than you know!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


 HELLO! This will be another blog with pictures.Not much writing as it is 11:13pm and I am quite tired. I have been house managing this week and am rather stressed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I will be at Levis with my group and the Beauport group. We are there until the 26th. I am going to be missing my family the whole time. I love and miss you all!

Kyra and Sarah before St.Patrick's Pub
Kyra and I at the falls :)

The pacakge my Mommy sent me! I love you
Zoe, MA and Sarah!
Sarah and I
Zoe and Katelyn
Sarah and Me! Russian Sisters :)
Me and Kyra before the Pub. I look like Casper's sister..

The view from the bridge that I was having anxiety on becuse it was so high up!

I hope you like the pictures and that you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your families! Also a great New Year.

use your smile to 
change the world,
dont let the world
change your smile!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010



my bed. I know mom its a mess...

So I said I would add pictures to my blog and have like a picture blog and thats exactly what Im doing! I talked to my Aunt Lynn tonight and I said I would! 

my house

our katima-van

a store in Old Québec
Ryan and Marc-André :)

Sister Russia testing my camera. Haha

mine and Jared's to the customers who
come to our work and if we don't understand
what they're saying they won't hate us.

my dresser.. i cleaned it today. it doesnt ALWAYS
look like that. just sometimes :/ he he


Sarah giving russian stink face! haha
I hope you liked the pictures.
There will be more :)
Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Laugh as much as you breathe,
and love as long as you live.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I can't think of a title for this one.

I haven't written in over a week and I feel bad because people ask me when I'm going to write again and I say soon but I get caught up in other things like Tetris Battle on Facebook and I am currently addicted! I need more tetris cash and it won't let me play until I get some. I guess its for the best though. I should take a break. I can feel the carpal tunnel activating LOL.

So we started our jobs on Tuesday. Jared and I work together and I'm so happy we do. We work at Société de la rivìère Saint-Charles. It is like an outdoor ice rink and there is a big hill and we rent out skates and tubes and sell hot beverages and jazz like that. Its not the most appealing job but I guess we have to make the best of it. We have to learn these french words so that we can communicate with the customers and Im scared Im going to mess up and people are going to laugh at me :(

This week I got something in the mail from my mother of pearl! She bought me a digital camera for Christmas but sent it to me early so I could take pictures now! I LA LA LOVE IT!. Its pink hehe SO CUTE. I have taken pictures but haven't put them on the computer. Im such a procrastinator. I will put pictures up soon I PROMISE. Maybe I will just do a blog post with pictures :)

Im rather homesick lately and just want these last 3 months to end so I can go home and see my family. Québec is a beautiful place but I think that 3 months was long enough for me to be away from them. I miss them so much! I know when i go home I'm going to miss it here with my katimafamily so I guess its bittersweet.

Last Sunday we were in a parade and got our faces painted, it was so nice! Once again i do not have a picture because I didn't like the ones I was in. The parade was called Parade des jouets(Parade of toys) these people get broken toys that people donate and they fix them and give the fixed toys to less fortunate families. It was alot of fun, then after we went to another groups house in Beauport and met them and Lévis was there too so we had a big dinner and got to know everyone.

That is what has been happening and I will write again soon!

my new camera!


Follow your Dreams

Friday, December 3, 2010

We're not in Vanderhoof anymore Toto!

so i just looked at my stats and it says that 1 person looked at my blog in Russia, 1 in Germany, 6 count them 6 people in Malaysia, 1 in the US and 35 in Canada. That was just today! OH MY GOD! IM FAMOUS Ha Ha!

Je suis á Quebec! Et I have a french keyboard! It is tres nice here! I got here on Wednesday at like 1am! I woke up on Wednesday morning at 3am we left the house at 4am got to Prince George Airport at 6:00ish, our plane was 7 something. We took the first plane to Vancouver then found out that our plane from Vancouver to Montreal was cancelled so we had to take another flight to TORONTO! then take a connecting flight to Montreal. We got to Montreal at 7:30pm. We met the two other groups that are in our cluster and took a greyhound bus from Montreal to Victoriaville, then to Lévis and then came to Ste-Foy. We arrived at 1am, met our PL Stéphane and I went to sleep at 2:30am. Yesterday morning we supposed to wake up at 10:00am but woke up at 11:00, we were TRES FATIGUÉ!
We went to get our bus passes last night and today we went to all of our work placements for tours. Monday we have our interviews and Tuesday we start work. Its like so intense right now because we are getting to know where we live and everything. After our worksite tours we had to volunteer for this organization for St Vincent de Paul. We went in groups and rang bells and asked people to donate money. I got a total of about $40.00! When I came home I opened the package my Aunt Teresa sent me! i was so excited! Thats all I have been talking about today and yesterday!
It had a photo album of pictures of my family with them holding messages to me it was TRES BEAU (VERY BEAUTIFUL) and other cute stuff. I LOVE IT and am so happy!
On Monday my mom is sending me a package! Its a camera! I cant wait for that either!

Thats about all that has happened since I last blogged, I do miss Vanderhoof and miss Melissa and my job but I know Quebec will be great! I thought I would update and let you know whats happening. Thank you for reading!


wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are!