Thursday, December 30, 2010

Out with the old in with the NEW!

Merry Belated Christmas! 
I know I haven't written since last week and everytime I talk to my aunts they are always saying how they are waiting for a new blog post so here it is :) I hope you had a great Christmas. Mine was surely interesting to say the least.. 
30 people in one house, being stressed to the MAX with jazzy jazz crap. Let me start from the beginning.
Friday December 24th: We had alot of cooking and baking and cleaning to do parce-que we were going to Levis' house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and coming home on boxing day. So I was in charge of making biscuits for like snack or something, I don't know why I wanted to make biscuits I just thought it would be cute. So I made them and they turned out pretty cute and totes delish! Please note the Christmas and Snowmen cheese biscuits to your right! :)

I was house managing that week and was rather stressed out so I put alot of love into these cute little things.
Ryan and Zoe made gingerbread cookies that I didnt get to try because everyone ate them. They must have been great!
Note cute gingerbread cookies to your left.
Everyone had different jobs to do and my house managing partner only had one thing to do which was put the leftovers in containers and put them in the freezer so we could take them with us to Levis. We all got ready and finished cleaning and left the house at 2pm. Myself, Sarah, Katelyn, Ryan, Brandon, Zoe, Marc-Andre and Isaac took the bus to the ferry over to Levis, while Kyra, Evelyne and Jared went in the van with Rachel our PC. 
We got to Levis and had to eat a little dinner because we were going to this mass and were going to eat dinner there but it wasnt going to be for like 5 hours. I went to look for the food that my house manager partner was supposed to packed so we could eat and guess what! YEP! It was left at home in the freezer where they left it. CUTE HUH!? At this point my blood was boiling and going to hurt someone. Alice the Project Leader in Levis gave us food to eat and while I was putting the meat pies on a tray to put in the over this certain someone said some people have to learn to lighten up. DO NOT say that to me when I am mad at you! I ended up telling him to get away from me because I didnt want to see his face and a few other nice things in from of a crowd of people :) very lady like I know! We ate our little dinner and got bundled up to go to the mass.
After the mass we played some games with people from the community and the 3 katimavik groups. After the dinner we went back to the Levis house and we all just hung around and didn't do much. I went to sleep at about 1 am and woke up at 10:30am Christmas morning. 

Saturday December 25th: I woke up and called my mom and dad and family. How I missed them on Christmas. We didn't do much at all. For most of the afternoon Sarah, myself, Kyra and Katelyn were in the room where Kyra and I were sleeping and just laying on her mattress that was on the floor. We ate chips and drank pop and laughed about stuff. That night we had a dinner that was kind of like a potluck but the Beauport group and my group both brought dessert, this just added to my stress because I was already upset that we weren't organized about the night before. I made carrot salad with celery and some other jazzy jazz and it turned out pretty good. I had a small breakdown after I finished doing the salad because I was quite upset with my house managing partner once again. I went to the living room where Sarah and Katelyn were and just started crying. While other people were laughing around me I was crying. It was a bit embarassing but whatevs. We ate 
dinner as a huge katimafamily.

What we ate for Christmas dinner.

After dinner a bunch of us decided to go down to the St.Lawrence and have a grand old time! We had a little dance party and it was a great time. After that we went home and me and my friend Zack from the Beauport group laughed for hours. At about 2:30am I went to sleep and was woken up the next morning by Kyra telling me that Isaac wanted to leave in 10 minutes. I got up and cleaned up my sleeping area then got the stuff that we could carry with us onto the ferry and started our trek home. Isaac, Jared, Ryan and Marc-Andre, Evelyne and Zoe left early so it was only Me, Sarah, Kyra, Katelyn, and Brandon who got the later ferry. When we got home I went to get stuff for dinner at the store and some people went to the mall. Boxing Day was a pretty relaxed day.

Monday December 27th: On Monday we went to Quebecadabra with the Levis group and the Beauport group. Quebecadabra is a look at the past present and future of Christmas in Quebec. We only really found the future and it was kind of creepy. I didn't get any pictures because I didn't bring my camera on this day. I do have a picture of the katimafamily though in Old Quebec.

Anyways. Monday night me, Ryan, Marc-Andre and Zoe went to a cafe with Zack, Elyanne and Veronique from Beauport, it was nice :).

On Tuesday we went to watch a Quebecois movie called L'Appat and in the night people from my group and Zack and Veronique went out to Old Quebec and had a fun time :)

Yesterday we went sliding at Stephane's friends Chalet and I felt like a crash test dummy. I would fall off my crazy carpet and just roll down the hill until I hit a tree. It was pretty intense! Then again last night, Ryan and I met up with Zack and Elyanne from Beauport and we went to a cafe again. I went out 3 nights this week that is the most I went out in the last four months in one week!
Tonight I am staying in and resting before New Years because it is going to be FUN! All 3 groups are going to be together again and we are going to have a huge party!

I hope you liked reading this small novel that I have written. I think I am all caught up on what has been happening.
Have a wonderful New Year and be safe!


you're smarter than you think, and braver than you know!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


 HELLO! This will be another blog with pictures.Not much writing as it is 11:13pm and I am quite tired. I have been house managing this week and am rather stressed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I will be at Levis with my group and the Beauport group. We are there until the 26th. I am going to be missing my family the whole time. I love and miss you all!

Kyra and Sarah before St.Patrick's Pub
Kyra and I at the falls :)

The pacakge my Mommy sent me! I love you
Zoe, MA and Sarah!
Sarah and I
Zoe and Katelyn
Sarah and Me! Russian Sisters :)
Me and Kyra before the Pub. I look like Casper's sister..

The view from the bridge that I was having anxiety on becuse it was so high up!

I hope you like the pictures and that you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your families! Also a great New Year.

use your smile to 
change the world,
dont let the world
change your smile!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010



my bed. I know mom its a mess...

So I said I would add pictures to my blog and have like a picture blog and thats exactly what Im doing! I talked to my Aunt Lynn tonight and I said I would! 

my house

our katima-van

a store in Old Québec
Ryan and Marc-André :)

Sister Russia testing my camera. Haha

mine and Jared's to the customers who
come to our work and if we don't understand
what they're saying they won't hate us.

my dresser.. i cleaned it today. it doesnt ALWAYS
look like that. just sometimes :/ he he


Sarah giving russian stink face! haha
I hope you liked the pictures.
There will be more :)
Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Laugh as much as you breathe,
and love as long as you live.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I can't think of a title for this one.

I haven't written in over a week and I feel bad because people ask me when I'm going to write again and I say soon but I get caught up in other things like Tetris Battle on Facebook and I am currently addicted! I need more tetris cash and it won't let me play until I get some. I guess its for the best though. I should take a break. I can feel the carpal tunnel activating LOL.

So we started our jobs on Tuesday. Jared and I work together and I'm so happy we do. We work at Société de la rivìère Saint-Charles. It is like an outdoor ice rink and there is a big hill and we rent out skates and tubes and sell hot beverages and jazz like that. Its not the most appealing job but I guess we have to make the best of it. We have to learn these french words so that we can communicate with the customers and Im scared Im going to mess up and people are going to laugh at me :(

This week I got something in the mail from my mother of pearl! She bought me a digital camera for Christmas but sent it to me early so I could take pictures now! I LA LA LOVE IT!. Its pink hehe SO CUTE. I have taken pictures but haven't put them on the computer. Im such a procrastinator. I will put pictures up soon I PROMISE. Maybe I will just do a blog post with pictures :)

Im rather homesick lately and just want these last 3 months to end so I can go home and see my family. Québec is a beautiful place but I think that 3 months was long enough for me to be away from them. I miss them so much! I know when i go home I'm going to miss it here with my katimafamily so I guess its bittersweet.

Last Sunday we were in a parade and got our faces painted, it was so nice! Once again i do not have a picture because I didn't like the ones I was in. The parade was called Parade des jouets(Parade of toys) these people get broken toys that people donate and they fix them and give the fixed toys to less fortunate families. It was alot of fun, then after we went to another groups house in Beauport and met them and Lévis was there too so we had a big dinner and got to know everyone.

That is what has been happening and I will write again soon!

my new camera!


Follow your Dreams

Friday, December 3, 2010

We're not in Vanderhoof anymore Toto!

so i just looked at my stats and it says that 1 person looked at my blog in Russia, 1 in Germany, 6 count them 6 people in Malaysia, 1 in the US and 35 in Canada. That was just today! OH MY GOD! IM FAMOUS Ha Ha!

Je suis á Quebec! Et I have a french keyboard! It is tres nice here! I got here on Wednesday at like 1am! I woke up on Wednesday morning at 3am we left the house at 4am got to Prince George Airport at 6:00ish, our plane was 7 something. We took the first plane to Vancouver then found out that our plane from Vancouver to Montreal was cancelled so we had to take another flight to TORONTO! then take a connecting flight to Montreal. We got to Montreal at 7:30pm. We met the two other groups that are in our cluster and took a greyhound bus from Montreal to Victoriaville, then to Lévis and then came to Ste-Foy. We arrived at 1am, met our PL Stéphane and I went to sleep at 2:30am. Yesterday morning we supposed to wake up at 10:00am but woke up at 11:00, we were TRES FATIGUÉ!
We went to get our bus passes last night and today we went to all of our work placements for tours. Monday we have our interviews and Tuesday we start work. Its like so intense right now because we are getting to know where we live and everything. After our worksite tours we had to volunteer for this organization for St Vincent de Paul. We went in groups and rang bells and asked people to donate money. I got a total of about $40.00! When I came home I opened the package my Aunt Teresa sent me! i was so excited! Thats all I have been talking about today and yesterday!
It had a photo album of pictures of my family with them holding messages to me it was TRES BEAU (VERY BEAUTIFUL) and other cute stuff. I LOVE IT and am so happy!
On Monday my mom is sending me a package! Its a camera! I cant wait for that either!

Thats about all that has happened since I last blogged, I do miss Vanderhoof and miss Melissa and my job but I know Quebec will be great! I thought I would update and let you know whats happening. Thank you for reading!


wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jazzy Jazz

WOW! What a week. 2 hospital visits in one week. Only me. Last week for my eye and the on Thursday, Katelyn and I went to Pat's house for dinner. Pat is the lady we worked with at StrongStart. So we went to her house and her son made pasta with shrimp and it was SO good. After we got home, Katelyn and I decided to go for a walk because we felt like we should so we're walking around Riverside on the path and all of a sudden my hands started tingling and getting hot even if I put them in snow it didn't help. ME- "I think I'm having an allergic reaction. I think we should go home." Katelyn- "Ok let's go." When we were down the street from our house I felt my face started to swell, my nose was swelling and I could feel it and my fingers were swelling aswell. We walked in the door and I told Melissa that I was having an allergic reaction. I ran to the bathroom and took two benedryls and I started getting hives all over my body. I took a cool shower and that didn't help so Melissa said I should go to the hospital and she drove me. Katelyn came with me to the hospital. It didn't take that long for me to see the doctor. While we were waiting in the waiting room and the nurse said to me, "If you start to feel like you can't breathe come and flag me down, I don't want you to just keep sitting here and you can't breathe." .. OBVIOUSLY IM NOT GOING TO JUST SIT IN THE WAITING ROOM AS MY THROAT STARTS TO CLOSE ON ME AND I DIE.. DUH. <-- That is what I was thinking.. What I said was, "Ok, Thank you." With a trying smile because my face was swollen that my lips would make the smiling face. I also felt like my nose was going to explode off of my face. But anyways. The doctor saw me and I survived. I need to get an epi pen because I am allergic to shell fish. The doctor gave me prednisone and some other medicine on top of the two benedryls I ingested before I was transported to the hospital so lets just say when I got home I was feeling pretty good and fell into a small coma :).
Friday was my last day of work at the Manor. I sort of cried for like 2 hours. It was a hard day. When I would go and talk to one of the residents I got tears in my eyes. They were so cute. I loved them all if I haven't already mentioned that LOL. I felt like on my last day they all knew who I was and I didn't have to repeat my name 100 times :(. When I said goodbye to Helen, she asked who was going to sit with her. I had to tell her someone knew would be there soon to sit with her. It broke my heart. And Alice, whenever you leave D Pod, she always tries to follow you out but she can't go out unless she is supervised so I told her she couldn't come with me this time and that I would be back and she said, "Do you promise?" and answered, "Yes I promise, I'll see you soon." and she replied, "Ok, I'll be waiting for you." I had to walk out so fast because I started to cry. They don't know who I am but its like they do in a way. I am so glad I worked there and got to know the people I did. Amanda one of the girls I worked with gave me a card this si my favourite part of the card: "I hope you know how wonderful you have been for the residents, even though they may not remember you or express it you made their days so much brighter." Isn't that so nice! I cried when I read that too! I'm just a ball of crying this week. Whatever its for good reason!

Tonight is our last night with Melissa and tomorrow she is leaving for Prince George for a few days off before the new group comes. Amy, the program coordinator is coming to our house with the Quesnel group and we are going to have end of rotation reflection. WHOOPIE! can't wait...

I packed all of my stuff today and I'm pretty sure both of my luggages are over 50lbs.. which means I will have to pay $50. We cleaned the entire house yesterday and today. It was pretty intense. Tonight we are going skating for the last time in Vander. I love skating. I am also going to knit. 

I will write a new blog when I arrive in Quebec. I hope you enjoy the rest of what the weekend brings you and you have a wonderful week!

I tried to add pictures of my work but its not letting me. I will add them soon

Every day may not be good..
but there's something good in every day!


I just wrote a blog that was like SO LONG and wehn I went to post it, it didn't post! Now I have to re-write it. This will be done tomorrow because I don't have patience to re-write it right now. I am thoroughly ANNOYED.


Monday, November 22, 2010

9 days left ..


k so this week I was house manager avec(with) Marc-Andre for the second time which was tres(very) fun. Aside from the fact that I had a fricking eye condition and was developing a COMPLEX! ha ha I just made myself laugh at my own sentence :) On Monday night my eyes were itchy so I was rubbing them for like an hour and the next morning they were kind of puffy, so I was like WTH(what the heck LOL) then they just kept getting worse. They were so itchy and puffy and I felt so ugly. On Wednesday morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and got tears in my eyes because I looked old :( it was terrible. So on Friday I went a la(to the) hospital and saw the doctor because I couldnt handle it anymore and was getting pretty worried about mes yeux(my eyes), the doctor was very nice and I got medicine and now I'm almost all better, she said it was an allergic reaction to something. I wore sunglasses for 4 days straight all day because I was embarassed :(..

my puzzle piece! isn't it cute :)
So we made alot of food and had crepes for dinner last night because we didn't know what to make, and tonight we had stirfry that Marc-Andre made by himself because I was at the Friendship Centre working on my puzzle piece that I was drawing on. We all got a piece of plywood in the shape of a puzzle piece and we had to draw our favourite memories of Vanderhoof or something about Katimavik that we like. So I did that and our dinner was AMAZING. It was so good!.. Although I do like house managing, I am SO glad that the week is over and Im going to work tomorrow! Its our last week of work this week and Im going to say it again because I love it so much. Im going to miss my jobs so much!

Outside the library in Prince George
Brutal picture but whatevs.

Yesterday we went to Prince George to go to the library and go swimming, I did not go swimming because of my eye thin, I didn't want to risk anything and make them feel worse. Then we came home and didn't do much. Marc-Andre and I made dinner and we worked on our final presentation. This is the last official week in Vanderhoof. I can't believe that it has already been 3 months! This is craziness. I love it here. If I haven't already said that. LOL

Marc-Andre et Moi at skating wearing our
matching wool sweaters du(from)
ACT II Thrift Store he he!
(no makeup because my eyes, I llook tres tired)


Tonight we went skating and we played "What time is it Mr.Wolf" I fell two times because the person that was 'it' tapped me and I fell. But I haven't fallen once since we the first time went skating! It is now 1:30am and I writing this blog. I have to go to work tomorrow and I can't believe I am still awake. Thi belongs in the record books. Kyra even went to sleep before me, tnat DOES NOT happen! LOL

So that has been my week. This wee is going to be very busy. Melissa has to do debriefing with us before we go across country to Quebec. I hope I like it there, which I'm sure I will, it will just be alot different. I am excited to have to speak french all the time though!

I called my Aunt Teresa's house today because it is my cousin Mike's Birthday, I hope you had a great day Mike! And I spoke to my family. I miss them all so much. I wish I could have been there! I can't wait to go home and see everyone, it's going to be so exciting!

Goodnight! Have a wonderful week and I will write when I can!

PEACE. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. it means to be in the midst of all things and still be calm in your heart.
p.s. Not alot of french in this one. too tired.
BON NUIT(goodnight)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

just another weekend in Vander!


this weekend was tres mignon (very cute)
Samedi (Saturday) we did a photo contest. We were in quatre(four) teams of trois(three) and we had 2 topics to take pictures of. The premier(first) topic was Fire & Ice et(and) the second was Northern People. Ryan, Kyra and Myself were three musketeers and went dans(on) an adventure around the town taking pics of what we could find! 
drum roll please.. 
walking along the nature trail
our winning pic! fire&ice 

group photo!
moi, up in the bird sanctuary thing

Last night we went out for souper (dinner/supper) at this chinese restaurant called The New Pagoda... GROSS. The broccoli tasted like death it was terrible. But whatevs you live and learn and THANK GOD I lived and I have learned that I will never go there again :)
the BEAUTS WATERFALL we saw while hiking
Then we played the game called Things. OMG It was funny. You should play sometime! I'm not going to bother explaining, just play it and you will see how great it is ha ha.. I stayed up until 1:30am and had to be up at 8am because we were going on a hike that we have been playing for quite sometime not but haven't been able to go for. So I got up and I wasn't fatigue(tired) at all I was rather full of energy and ready to GO, merci(thanks) to the wonderful coffee I made. I am such a good coffee maker, I must say :)
We went on our hike which was fun but kind of intense. We saw a very nice waterfall and took pics once again. 

a bridge we had to cross to continue our trek!

Melissa, Zoe, Jared and Moi in the back!
Now I'm here with the fam and we're going SKATING ce soir(tonight). I don't think I'm going to go at 4pm but nous avons(we have) ice time again at 9pm thanks to Isaac so I will go then and have a great time. I love pinage(skating)
I thought I would update on what a great weekend I have had parce-que(because) it vraiment(really) was GREAT.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend aswell.

Xoxo Sara

p.s. Everytime I write a blog I am going to have a quote of the day!
So here it is.

everything will be okay
in the end.
if it's not okay,
it's not the end.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day.

3 weeks left in beloved Vanderhoof.. I am telling you I am going through serious denial. When someone mentions the word Quebec, I walk out of the room. I don't want to hear about it. I feel like I'm getting annoying with this whole sad about leaving Vander thing but I don't really care :) because I love it here and I don't want to leave.

Today is Remembrance Day and no one went to work except for me LOL.. You're probably thinking that I asked to work but I didn't. Marnie asked me too, and I of course said YES! Its the Manor. Sasha, another girl who works in Rec worked today and I love her. She is so nice and HILARIOUS! So we took some of the residents out to the park near our house where they were doing a ceremony. P(f) is SO dramatic, like more dramatic than me. Sasha went to sit her on the bus and she was freaking out saying "Please don't kill me." Ha ha its so funny. And when we would go over bumps she would scream, "OHMYGOD, I'm scared. I'm just going to close my eyes." and I would reassure her it was just a bump and she wasn't going to die. THEN we got back to the Manor, we were getting them off the bus and P wouldn't cooperate and I was holding her up because Sasha just made her stand up and she was saying, "Stop hitting me! Please." And I said P we are not hitting you we are holding you up because you're going to fall because you won't hold yourself up, so please can you walk with your walker." and she said,"Please, I want to live, I don't want to die." I just started laughing SO hard oh my gosh. I couldn't believe what she was saying. So we finally got her to the lift and it's me, Sasha and P on the lift because she won't hold herself up and won't walk. OMG it was so funny. Then after we got J(f) off the bus I was pushing her inside the Manor and she said, "I don't think you should bring her out anymore." LOL I told her she is exactly right! It was sooo funny but very tiring! Then after lunch I made butter tart squares and painted G's nails and hung out in D-Pod until it was home time :) I love D-Pod, I always go there when I want to escape from everyone. I just sit with the people and talk. W(m) makes me laugh all the time and he always says, "You know, I'm getting close to that old age pension." and I say, "Oh yeah? What are you going to buy with that pension?" and he spells out B-O-T-T-L-E O-F W-H-I-S-K-E-Y. LOL he's hilarious.

Tonight we had a thank-you potluck dinner at the Neighbourhood Space for our billet families. It was cute. Sheila came and brought her turkey casserole thing with fresh biscuits. Everyone loved it. It was Great. Melissa and I are going to visit her this week coming because I am house managing with Marc-Andre again. I'm excited to house manage but I'm kind of not because I'm going to miss my old people LOL. I'm starting to annoy myself. New topic.

This Saturday we are going to Prince George for the day. We are going swimming and to the library and to a Vietnamese restaurant. That should be exciting, we haven't done anything really since coming here.

Lila passed away on Sunday :( she was a resident at the Manor. I loved her. She wasn't doing good for a while. She fell a couple of weeks ago and just went downhill from there. I used to sit with her and she would hold my hand and she would kiss it LOL. OMG she was so cute. Since I started working there, about 6 people have passed away and that's a lot compared to other years. She is in a better place now though so I guess it's kind of bittersweet. R.I.P Lila <3

That's all for now.

Xoxo Sara!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A double bed, my own bathroom and learning to crochet.. You only get that at billeting!

so I know I haven't written in like 12 days and I feel terrible because I wanted to write like every other day but I don't have a laptop with me here and I felt bad using Sheila 

(my billet mom's) computer to write my blog. I just used it for checking my emails.
k so let me start with Sunday October 24th 2010. When Sheila picked me up. I was very nervous that she wasn't going to like me for some reason I don't know but you're going to live in someones house you have never met before for 12 days, it's a bit awkward don't tell me it's not :).. So she picks me up and she was this cute little old lady and we go to her car and go to her house and her house was TRES (very) cute! I loved it. I took pictures on my phone but I can't put them on the computer yet because I don't have a piece for my memory card.. anyways I had my own room and my own bathroom YES FOLKS MY OWN BATHROOM, a luxury you do not get in Katimavik. People are waiting outside the door in the morning for you to get out so they can get ready LOL. and lets not talk about my bed, it was a double bed I think, whatever it was, it was heaven! So comfy and spacious and great! Nothing like the army mattress bunk bed I sleep on in the Katmiahouse. I do love my army mattress bunk bed don't get me wrong but it was a WONDERFUL change :). I had a great time at Sheila's. She was SO nice. I learned how to crochet. OMG I'm so excited. I made 3 granny squares so far, I am planning on making a blanket! 
Sheila is retired and her husband passed away a few years ago so she is lonely and we had a great time. She has a sewing room and on Friday before I was leaving I gave her a Thank you card for letting me stay with her and I told her in the card I said I would love to keep in touch and after she read it she said "You're the first person that has wanted to stay in touch." HOLY MOLY I just about cried and I said,"Of course I want to stay in touch, I have had such a great time. She said that I can go over whenever I want. Before I left she started me on another little project. It's a secret though because they are going to be Christmas gifts. She has a sewing room with so much stuff to make things. She has a cupboard with ALL kinds of yarn for knitting and crocheting and she gave me so much to take with me. I love her. I am going to be sad when I leave Vanderhoof. I LOVE it here. 
So billeting was great, I wanted to stay but everyone else was pretty happy to get back. Except for Sarah, she loved her family as well. 

I LOVE MY JOBS! You don't even know. I can't even explain how much. but I will try :)
StrongStart is great! I love the kids and I have so much fun when I'm there. I make crafts its so fun ha ha. And Pat my boss lady at the school where I am on Mondays is so funny. Sandy who is the other lady I work with at StrongStart on Fridays. We go to Fort Fraser to a school there. 
But Stuart Nechako Manor :( I love it there. I love the residents. I love the people that work there. When I think about leaving I get so sad. I love them and I know when I leave Vander, I'm never going to see them again :( the residents I mean. Another one passed away this week :( She was 90 years old and one of the nurses was trying to call her daughter to tell her and to tell her to come in but she didn't answer and after lunch her daughter came in expecting to visit her mom and when she got there the nurse had to stop her in the hallway and tell her that her mom died :( the lady started crying hysterically in the middle of the hallway and I was in the little kitchen beside the hallway icing the cake I made in the morning with Ruth and I was hearing her cry so I started to cry and I had to go to the staff lounge and not hear it because it was SO sad. She didn't know her mom died until she got there :( poor lady. 
Even though almost all of the residents don't remember who you are after 30 seconds of you saying Hi to them, you know who they are and you begin to have a special place in your heart for all of them and I am going to miss them ALL so much when I leave. I know I'm going to cry so much.I could cry right now thinking about it. I heard its 23 more days until we leave. I asked if I could stay here. I don't want to go to Quebec, I'm sure it will be fun but the thought of leaving isn't very appealing right now :'(. And Melissa isn't even going! We get a new Project Leader :( UGH I don't like change..

so yesterday we got back from billeting AND i got a package in the mail!
Daniel, one of my best friends from when I was like 5 when I lived in Alliston sent me a gift. Now I told him not to buy it but he did anyways! It is the new iPod nano. Its pink and so cute and engraved and I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! thank you!  :)
Today Kyra, Brandon, Zoe, Ryan and MOI went to the Neighbourhood Space to finish the mural that we are painting while the rest of the group went to help move and cut wood for an elderly lady. 
Brandon, Ryan, and ME painting!

our mural that Zoe drew! It's almost done :)

Kyra and I came back to the house at 2pm and started baking bread and making cookies and started dinner. Well Kyra blogged while I made bread and was on the computer while I made cookies Ha Ha! but she was good moral support and we had a dandy time laughing and dancing in the kitchen :) it was such a great day! 
the bread rising before it went into the oven!

my gorge bread after the baking process!

my cookies I made. (before)


after again :)

 Tomorrow we are going for a hike and then at 4pm we are going skating! Then at 9pm we are going skating again because Isaac got us ice time at the arena, he works there. I'm so excited :) I love skating! When I go home I think I'm going to sign up for lessons LOL I can't wait. I'm not to bad I'm getting better the more I go but I want to learn to stop. When I try and stop I just turn in a circle or I go to the side of the ice where the board things are and stop myself :)

well I think I have written enough and updated you on what is going on. I should go socialize with my katimafamily, and knit! I'm going to knit a little holder for my ipod HA HA guess what colour?!
yep, PINK!

have a wonderful rest of your weekend and a great week!
Thank you for reading as well.

Xoxo Sara!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 47!.. 47 Jours!

Bonjour (HI!)

So je (I) haven't written in like 5 days, I feel bad but nothing has vraiment (really) been happening that I felt the need to bore whoever reads this with those details :) I am considerate! he he
I worked at Strong Start on Lundi (you should know that one) pour (for) le premier temps (first time) dans (in) like 2 semaines (weeks). Je was tres (very) glad to see Pat and be there again. I missed it.
At the Manor, I told my Supervisor that I have a blog and I was wondering if I could parle (talk) about the residents or take pictures of them so I can show vous (you) qui (who) je suis (I am) talking sur (about) and how mignon (cute) they are! She said I would besoin (need) to get permission from their family's parce-que (because) if they don't know about it and one day they see their mere (mom), pere (dad), or grandparents picture et (and) they are like, "What the heck?" I could get into some doo doo. So for the time being I will just put the first initial of their nom (name) and (F)for female and (M)for male.. smart? Oui!
So on Wednesday I(F) passed away :(, she was 95. She had a major stroke last week and just couldn't recover. I had planned to go and visit her on Mercredi (Wednesday) matin (morning) when I got to travail (work) but when I asked about her one the of care aids told me elle (she) passed away. I was really triste (sad), but at least she isn't suffering anymore. She was such a nice lady. I really liked her. The rest of the week was pretty bon (good). Our francais (french) professor (teacher) came on Wednesday soir (night) and Amy came to the house on Thursday and we had like a 3 and a half hour meeting. It was our mid-rotation reflection. Pretty intense I must dit (say). We did a lot of activities and talked A LOT! We resolved some issues too, which is good.

Hier (yesterday) we went a la (to the) Neighbourhood Space. We are doing a mural on the whole wall! It looks really nice so far. I didn't get to take a picture because I left my phone a la maison (at the house), I was in one of those moods where je dit (I said), "I'm leaving my phone at home, I don't care if anyone texts moi." ha ha then I realized I should have brought it with me. Its okay, I'll get one when we go back after billeting to finition (finish).. Speaking of billeting.. Aujourd'hui (today), we are going with our familles (families). Je suis tres excite (I am very excited)! Je suis (I am) going to learn how to tricoter (knit),even though I already know how to do scarves I will probably apprendre (learn) more and crochet et (and) all the jazz!
I am doing laundry right now and people are still sleeping, I thought I would wake up and write a blog because Je ne sais pas (I dont know) si (if) during my billeting I will be able too. My Aunt Teresa emailed me last week and said she reads my blog all the time and she called my Grandma and told her to read it ha ha! HI GRANDMA and AUNT TERESA
I am loving the singer Lights. I listen to her music on repeat! Je sais (I know) by next week Im going to be sick of it LOL but pour l'instant (for now) je suis en profiter (I'm enjoying it).

Vous (You) have probably noticed that certains (some) of my words are in french, that's because I'm learning french as I have previously stated and I want to ecrire (write) whatever words I know so I get better at speaking the langue (language). I did utilisation (use) google translator to make sure what I was writing was right!.. If I didn't both of us would pense (think) that the wrong word is right.. Soon you will be fluent too! :)

I must go now and eat french toast.. seriously, we're having french toast for breakfast LOL, fitting I know. I will write quand je peux (when I can) and add pictures when I can.

I just thought this picture was really pretty, so I thought I would add it .
p.s. I can't believe J'ai (I have) been here for 47 days already! I feel like I just got here mais (but) also that I have been ici (here) for like un an (a year).. weird I know..
Au revoir (Good-bye)