Friday, February 18, 2011


I know I have not written in almost a month! And whoever reads this thing probably doesn't read it anymore because I have neglected it! I have been rather busy over the last 4 weeks! I turned 20, twenty, vingt, venti years old. Thats right folks. I am not longer a teenager. I am an adult. I do not feel like one though. I think Ill pretend Im still 19, dont tell anyone though because then I wont be able to lie about it lol. I cant believe it. I am 20 this is RIDIC! 19 was a good year. I liked being 19. Thank you year 19 :) hopefully 20 is even better! I did have a great birthday though. On my birthday weekend it was our 48 hours off so some of my friends went to Montreal or home and some stayed home. Katelyn, Zoé and I went out for dinner and had a cute time! On Saturday I went shopping with Katelyn and bought myself some birthday presents and we went for frozen yogurt. SO GOOD!
Kyra who went to Montreal left me a present for each day she was away! On the 7th she left me my favourite chocolate bar (MIRAGE), on the 8th I got a nail polish I wanted to bad from American Apparel, its pink! And on the 9th MY BIRTHDAY! I got these cute little button earrings, they are purple. TOTES CUTE!
Sarah's mom was here with her friend Judy for the weekend visiting Sarah and they invited me along and I stayed at the Chateau Frontenac with them! It was such a great weekend! I love my Katimafamily.
After my birthday not much happened. Same stuff everyday. Work, come home, do an activity or have free time. BUT there has been alot of conflict with the group, its resolved now but for about a week I was not looking forward to the rest of my time here. Even a knife couldn't cut that tension!

There are 12 days until Katimavik is finished. Now that its almost at the end I kind of wish the program was 9 months. Im going to miss everyone even though we fight and we get mad at eachother, we are a family and thas what families do!
Right now I am at work and typing this. Can you tell how busy I am? In the last week I have knit 1 scarf and 2 dishcloths while only being at work. I am becoming a knit-aholic..

On Wednesday we volunteered for this Snowboard Jamboree thing that is happening tomorrow. Its a snowboard competition and we broke ice adn shoveled snow for 5 hours. It was great!
So Sara, what kind of volunteering did you do in Québec?
I broke ice and shoveled snow, Collected money from strangers who speak a totally different language then me, wheeled elderly people around a nursing home, and I worked 5 days a week at an outdoor skating rink and rented out skates and tubes to rude people :).. BE JEALOUS!

There isnt much more to say, its almost over and I will try to write another one before I go home. If anyone still reads this..

Have a wonderful weekend!.. OH I totally forgot, maybe because this news is not exciting at all. Tomorrow we are going ice fishing :/.. Who goes ice fishing? I DONT! I think I will knit while we sit there for 5 hours. Since Sarah and Kyra are vegeterians they will not be accompanying us on this fun filled day, they will be going for coffee or something.
Anyways until next time!

oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR! My last blog post was on New Years Eve.

1 comment:

  1. LOL you are totes funny! Thanks for making my day and finally updating me on your life!
